Full WWE No Way Out PPV Results - 2/23/03 - Montreal, Quebec

Reported by Ryan Droste of WrestleView.com
On Sunday, February 23, 2003 at 11:05 PM EST

WWE No Way Out Results
February 23, 2003
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Bell Centre
Results By: Ryan Droste of www.WrestleView.com

Chris Jericho vs. Jeff Hardy
-This was a pretty good match, I was more into their match on RAW a couple of weeks back though. The ending came when Jericho put on the Walls of Jericho for the second time in the match, and this time Hardy couldn't get to the ropes.
Winner: Chris Jericho

World Tag Team Titles
(C) Lance Storm & William Regal vs. Kane & RVD

-Pretty decent match, although kind of lacking excitement. Ending came with Storm and Regal trying to unmask Kane, and in doing so Kane's mask became crooked on his head and he couldn't see, so he inadvertantly hit RVD with a chokeslam and Regal and Storm got the win.
Winners and Still World Tag Team Champs: Lance Storm & William Regal

WWE Cruiserweight Title
(C)Billy Kidman vs. Matt Hardy

-Awesome match here. Tons of great spots from both guys. Kidman kicked out of the Twist of Fate at one point, but the finish came with Hardy hitting the Twist of Fate yet again, this time from the top rope.
Winner and New Cruiserweight Champ: Matt Hardy

The Undertaker vs. The Big Show
-Boring match, with TONS of head-butts from Big Show to Undertaker. Match did pick up at the end with Undertaker executing a running plancha over the top rope on Big Show which was really cool looking. Undertaker got the win with a submission hold, a triangle choke/armbar maneuver.
Winner: The Undertaker

Kurt Angle, Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin vs. Brock Lesnar & Chris Benoit
-Earlier in the show, Edge was layed out backstage by someone and taken off to a hospital. This left Lesnar and Benoit without a partner, making the match 2 on 3. This match, along with Hardy vs. Kidman, was the best match on the show. At one point, Angle had a ankle lock on Benoit, which Benoit reversed into a crossface, and then Angle reversed it back, and they kept doing reversals which was really cool. Ending came with Benoit getting Haas to tap out to the crossface.
Winners: Brock Lesnar and Chris Benoit

World Heavyweight Title
(C)Triple H vs. Scott Steiner

-Crowd was totally against Steiner, whom was supposed to be the babyface. Everything Steiner did the crowd boo'ed. The crowd also went nuts on Hebner throughout the match, with at one point seeming the entire crowd of 16,000 chanting "You Screwed Bret" at him. The finish of the match was Triple H hitting the pedigree on Steiner for the win.
Winner and Still World Champ: Triple H

Steve Austin vs. Eric Bischoff
-Eric tried to beg off Austin from coming out at the beginig but it didn't work. Austin came out and got a thunderous ovation from the crowd. He did basically anything he wanted to, dominating Bischoff. Austin got the win after hitting three Stone Cold Stunners on Bischoff. After the match was over, Austin soaked up the ovation from the crowd and gave Bischoff some more stunners before leaving.
Winner: Steve Austin

Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock
-Hogan got a nice reaction from the crowd, but nowhere near the reaction Austin got in the match prior. Match was nowhere near as good as their match last year at WrestleMania, possibly due to the crowd not reacting to every single thing Hogan did. They didn't appear to be into all that much throughout the match. Hogan hit the leg drop and went for the cover, but when the referee was counting the pin the lights of the arena went out. When they came back on, the ref was layed out and Vince McMahon was on the ramp laughing. Tons of "You Screwed Bret" chants and boos at McMahon. Hogan stared in disbelief at Vince, and then the ref passed a steal chair to The Rock whom hit Hogan with it, nailed a Rock Bottom, and got the pin. Vince, Rock, and the Referee celebrated in the ring with their hands held high as a bloodied Hogan lay on the canvas. Vince took off his suit jacket, and was wearing a "What 'Cha Gunna Do?!" Hogan shirt. He had the Hogan phrase crossed off, and wrote "Nothing" over it. Vince ripped of the shirt ala Hogan and the show ended with Vince on the ramp flexing and Hogan in the ring struggling to sit up staring down Vince.
Winner: The Rock