Full NWA TNA PPV Results - 12/11/02 (NEW X Division Champion, more)
» On Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 11:06 PM EST Full NWA TNA PPV Results - 12/11/02
LIVE From: Nashville, TN
Commentators: Mike Tenay & Don West
Report by: Dave Meltzer of WrestlingObserver.com
1. Tony Mamaluke defeated Jason Cross with a form of a half crab which they called the Sicilian crab. Cross did some great moves including a twisting dive over the top and a double underhook into a DDT off the top rope. The whole match was spent with the announcers building up the crossfire, which is a shooting star legdrop. Cross did it, then sold his right knee and Mamaluke made him submit. They started out strong like two guys familiar with each other (from Wildside), but lost momentum as the match went on. After the match, B.G. James and the Harris Twins came out and gave both guys H bombs like the aftermath of a cruiserweight match that was getting no respect on Thunder. So both guys ended up being buried. They claimed Russo wasn't there, which meant he was, and said the heel group is called SEX (since they don't realize Extreme starts with an E). James did an interview claiming the success of DX was due to Russo's writing and his work in the ring. They ended up with a six-way brawl with Ron Killings, Slash and Brian Lee against the Harris Twins and James with the heels cleaning house on the faces.
Jorge Estrada "lost his smile" because his partners left him and his girl left him. He asked Goldy if there was some reason for it. She should have told him to watch tapes of his matches. But then he'd really be depressed.
2. Kid Kash defeated Jorge Estrada with a brainbuster. If Elvis was the King of Rock and Roll and Lawler was the King of Memphis wrestling and Sailor White was the King of blowing your one opportunity at stardom, then Estrada is the King of missed spots. Probably the worst match of Kash's career and he didn't have a lot to do with it. He sure didn't look happy either.
3. Divine Storm defeated James Storm & Chris Harris when Trinity gave Storm a low blow and Chris Devine pinned him. Storm & Harris looked really good and looked about six classes above their opponents, who are really two indies guys being carried by their valet.
4. Amazing Red defeated A.J. Styles with what was supposed to be a Super Frankensteiner with both guys standing off the top. Red did the move, but barely touched Styles, who actually took a double rotation flip bump and got pinned. Didn't have the crowd heat of their previous match, but still really good. Red has improved a lot since this thing started as he can do more than just good moves, as his previous weaknesses when it came to throwing blows have improved. These guys were world's above everything else on the show.
5. Slash & Brian Lee defeated Ron & Don Harris via DQ to retain the NWA Tag Team Titles in a short match. Don pinned Slash after B.G. hit Slash with a chair after a ref bump. Percy Pringle came out and told the ref what happened, as did Scott Armstrong, and Rudy Charles reversed his decision. Harris Twins were about to go after Pringle when Jim Mitchell told them to blame Pringle, but Chris Harris & James Storm came out with chair shots to clean house. Looked like they were building a Mitchell vs. Pringle feud, since Pringle had just saved the tag titles for Mitchell. Okay, the set up didn't make much sense, but that's still where they are going.
6. Sonny Siaki defeated Jerry Lynn to become the NEW X Division Champion after a ref bump. Lynn was on the top rope and a new stacked woman scooped Lynn's leg, winked at Siaki, and Siaki used the Siakalypse (Chris Daniels' last rites) for the pin. Lynn sold about 80% of the match. Crowd was into this less than any Lynn match in recent memory, although this was kind of a dead crowd most of the way.
7. Ron "The Truth" Killings defeated B.G. James in a chain chair match with a gordbuster on a chair. Aside from a missile dropkick nailing the chair in James' face by Killings, this was awful. Almost as embarrassing as the Road Dogg vs. Konnan dog collar chain match on one of those WWA PPV shows, with a similar deal as the chain fell off both of their wrists near the finish when it was tugged a little. Killings after the match put a chair on James' prone body. He was about to jump off the top, but Bob Armstrong, even though his son had been a bad boy, came out to save him. As Bob and Killings were talking, James recovered and went to hit Killings with a chair, but instead hit Bob, and then hit Killings. James acted as if he was mad because he didn't mean to KO dad.
Jeff Jarrett did an interview where he didn't say much of anything. His eye looked fully healed. He did call Sean Waltman a coward for not confronting Vince Russo, praised Mike Tenay for not quitting, and then mentioned Waltman had already no-showed twice insinuating he didn't really want to be there and was using Russo as an excuse. They brought up the Piper thing. He said he didn't want to talk about Owen Hart on a wrestling show, but said nobody is responsible for killing Owen Hart. $18 million says you're wrong on that one. He talked about Piper and tried to be as nice as possible without saying anything. His delivery was good. Tenay asked him if he was going to join Russo. Of course he left it open ended.
8. Jeff Jarrett defeated Curt Hennig to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Title. The storyline here is that early in the show, B.G. James put a guitar on the announcers desk for Jarrett to use. The idea was that if Jarrett used the guitar, he was with Russo, although it was never quite spelled out and I think much of the audience wouldn't have picked up on that. Jarrett teased using the guitar, but didn't. Hennig gave Jarrett a low blow, when Russo came out and hit Hennig twice with the guitar, which didn't break. Jarrett pinned Hennig. Jarrett and Russo were shoving each other when Styles attacked Jarrett as the show went off the air. Jarrett tried, but let's just say Hennig's streak of not having good matches was never in danger.