Full NWA TNA PPV Results - 11/13/02 (NEW Tag Team Champs, more)

Reported by of WrestleView.com
On Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 12:35 AM EST

Full NWA TNA PPV Results - 11/13/02
LIVE From: Nashville, TN
Commentators: Mike Tenay & Don West
Report by: Dave Meltzer of WrestlingObserver.com

They tried a different format out tonight, doing old style squash matches underneath and building to shorter main events. Syxx-Pac no-showed with them never giving an adequate reason why and the planned Jeff Jarrett vs. B.G. James match was moved up a week, which ended up moving the title match scheduled for 11/27 up a week as well. They were trying to push the idea that Jarrett challenging Ron Killings for the title is some ultimate bigger than usual match. They need to push it that way, but I don't think it's it.

All the live gate receipts went to benefit the Tennessee Disaster Relief Fund.

1. E.Z. Money defeated Tony Mamaluke with the Cha-Ching, which is a vertical suplex where he flips the guy out so he takes a power bomb like bump. Some real good stuff in the short squash.

2. Sonny Siaki defeated Chris Vaughn with the Siakalypse. Actually three of them, which are spinning neckbreakers for those of you who haven't watched the show. Very short squash with nothing much to it. Siaki had him pinned several times and picked him up at two.

Brian Lawler was doing an interview and we heard a woman moaning in the background. Yes, that's what it was. Lawler went into a dressing room and found girlfriend April all lathered up. Lawler "didn't see" that in the shower with April was Bruce. Guess they've been watching WWE in that gay characters must turn straight before they turn babyface

Jim Mitchell introduced Bella Donna, a new woman. Picture Courtney Love in that Larry Flynt movie at her most stoned.

3. Malice defeated Kaos with the old Ray Stevens Bombs Away kneedrop. He kept picking Kaos up before pinning him. That doesn't get heat anymore, particularly when it's done two matches in a row

4. Brian Lawler defeated Jorge Estrada with a low blow and a rolling reverse cradle. Estrada was distracted as Priscilla was pounding on April, which is an unfair fight because those two are in different weight divisions. At least they kept it very short because it wasn't good.

5. Amazing Red defeated Jimmy Yang with the infared after a missed Yang time. Real good. Lots of good high flying here.

6. Jose & Joel Maximo defeated Lenny & Bruce in a horrible match. I don't know if it was a bad night or Lenny Lane has always been a terrible worker, but I don't remember him this bad. His offense looked horrible and he was out of position blowing things all over the place. The storyline here is that Lenny wants Bruce to get hurt because he's first runner-up for Miss TNA. You know, if Miss TNA can't fulfill her commitments, the first runner-up takes over. He pulled the ropes down so Bruce took a bad bump over the top. Did him a lot of good since the Maximos gave him the Spanish fly and Jose pinned him. This combined bad wrestling with no logic as Lenny cost himself the match by screwing his partner.

7. Ron & Don Harris defeated Chase Stevens & Cassidy O'Reilly when Don pinned O'Reilly (I think) after the H-bomb. Almost as bad as the previous match.

8. Jeff Jarrett defeated B.G. James to advance to finals of NWA World Title Tournament by blocking the pump handle slam and giving him a stroke on the chair. Most of the match was brawling in the stands. Traded garbage can shots but not that much in the way of weapons and more trading punches all over the building. James took a bump off the risers through a table and they spent about a minute teasing a count out finish but James made it back. Much better than James' previous bouts since he's been in, probably since they kept it out of the ring and did no wrestling.

9. Slash & Brian Lee defeated Chris Harris & James Storm to become the NEW NWA World Tag Team Champions. This was one well put together match. They had great false finishes where interference seemingly cost Storm & Harris the belts and they'd keep kicking out. Everyone but Lee bled heavily. Lee pinned Storm after hitting him with a spike. This was Storm & Harris' best match since the promotion opened and it had by far the most heat of anything on the show.

10. Jerry Lynn retained the X Title in a Triple Threat Match against A.J. Styles and Kid Kash. They added Styles at the start of the show. The three-way took away from the match. Kash did some great flying huracanranas and it had the dives and some unique spots. Nothing compared with most of Lynn's matches on the show. Finish saw Styles take a bump over the top rope, wiping out Mortimer Plumtree, and Lynn pinned Kash clean after a cradle piledriver.


  • Ron "The Truth" Killings (c) vs. Jeff Jarrett

  • Jerry Lynn (c) vs. Amazing Red

  • Slash & Brian Lee to defend newly won NWA World Tag Team Titles.

    Show ended with Jeff Jarrett doing an interview saying when he was a kid growing up, he wanted to be the NWA champion and talked about Flair, Sting, Jack Brisco and the Funks. He did a good interview talking about the history of the title.