Full NWA TNA PPV Results - 11/6/02 (NEW X Division Champion)
� On Thursday, November 7, 2002 at 12:09 AM EST Full NWA TNA PPV Results - 11/6/02
LIVE From: Nashville, TN
Commentators: Mike Tenay & Don West
Report by: Dave Meltzer of WrestlingObserver.com
1. Jorge Estrada defeated Bruce via count out when Bruce slipped on a banana peel. Lenny Lane returned in Bruce's corner doing the gay lovers gimmick and sucking on the banana. They acknowledged Estrada in the show open as North American champ but never during the match, nor did he wear the belt. Stip was if Estrada won, Priscilla would be Miss TNA. After a match that went way too long and was not good, Estrada won. However, Bruce didn't lose the title. Mike Tenay explained, since they just did the title can change hands via DQ or COR rule in a big explanation last week, that NWA TNA doesn't recognize this as a title (which explains why they held a Battle Royal for it on the first show). Jeremy Borash, however, in his ring intro, explained it that since the DQ wasn't intentional, the title doesn't change. Either way, this was double beyond lame. Crowd could have cared less about any of this.
2. B.G. James defeated Sonny Siaki with a pump handle slam. Both men announced at 249 pounds, when James had to outweigh Siaki by a good 40 pounds or more. James advances in the NWA title tournament. Okay match. Better than James' recent bouts.
3. Chris Harris & James Storm defeated Slash & Brian Lee via DQ to retain the NWA tag team titles when Lee hit both guys with a spike and left them both laying.
4. Syxx-Pac defeated Brian Lawler to advance in the tournament. Syxx-Pac was nowhere near 100% so they kept the match short. He was limping at times and his hip seemed like it was killing him. Didn't do a wrestling match, but instead a story. Lawler kept wanting April to slap Syxx-Pac, but she wouldn't. The last time he tried and didn't, Lawler was distracted and Syxx-Pac used the X factor for the pin. Syxx-Pac and April left together and Syxx-Pac was squeezing her boobs for all they were worth, and they probably were expensive. Lawler than faked a heart attack, causing April to have sympathy and she came back to him. Total old school angle match.
Ron Killings said he's defend the title next week against Mr. Wrestling III and was surprised how quickly Bob Armstrong approved the contract. Does that mean it'll end up being Steve Armstrong?
Jeff Jarrett came out and teased he was Mr. Wrestling III and would sign the contract, but then tore up the contract and said he wasn't.
5. Kid Kash won the five-way elimination tables match over Tony Mamaluke, Jose & Joel Maximo and Ace Steel to become #1 contender for X Title
a) Mamaluke DDT'd Steel through the table.
b) Joel did a moonsault off the top rope onto Mamaluke through two tables
c) Kash did a huracanrana on Joel outside of the ring while Jose was on a table so both were eliminated. Some crazy moves and hot spots but a lot of the match was like a bad Sabu match with some bad wrestling and way too long set ups. Kash looked good and the rest looked like guys doing hot spots with bad transitions
6. Jeff Jarrett defeated Curt Hennig via DQ in a short brawl. Hennig wore street clothes and mainly beat Jarrett up in the stands. Almost no wrestling at all, but choking and brawling. Hennig KO'd a few refs and gave Jarrett three fisherman suplexes, but ended up DQ'd for attacking the refs. The old moral victory deal.
7. Jerry Lynn defeated AJ Styles to become the new X Division Champion with a cradle tombstone piledriver after a double reversal. Excellent match. Probably the best "title match style" bout the promotion has done. Long with lots of well set up new spots and tons of near falls at the end, including both kicking out of the others' regular finishers. Siaki came out at the end to tease he was going to screw Lynn out, but instead he just once pulled the ref out of the ring from counting when Lynn used a diamond cutter.